IT'S OUT! Ocean Animals: The Weirdest, Smartest and Sneakiest Sea Creatures
My new book Ocean Animals has been released! The book is targeted at 9-12 year old’s, but I think it will be fun and engaging (and informative!) for anyone with a love or interest in the marine world. The book includes well-loved, familiar fan-favourite animals, as well as some that I’d bet you’ve never heard of before. Three are also incredible photos and illustrations and loads of conservation information (including how you can help our incredible ocean animals right here, right now). I challenge you to read this book and not laugh and not learn something new. No, never mind – I want you to laugh and learn. So instead, I challenge you to read this book, and LOVE it!
The book can be purchased from the CSIRO Publishing website (or Customer Service line), good bookstores, or hopefully, your local library.